How do I launch Player View on my phone?

Player View can be found in the menu option after initially logging into the GoRout Mobile App.

Player View allows coaches on staff who aren't sending plays the ability to follow along and see what play is being sent in. This will be sent directly to their phone. Think of player view as turning your coach's device into another player device. To launch player view, follow these steps.

  1. Open and log into the GoRout Mobile App
  2. After logging in, you will see the 3 horizontal lines in the top left. Click to open tab.
  3. A drop down menu with different options will appear. Look for the option that states "Launch Player View".
  4. After clicking that, your phone load up to a screen where you can select a practice group.
  5. Select the practice group you would like to receive plays from.
  6. After selecting the practice group, any play that gets sent into that group you will also receive.