Can I split my devices and run two practice groups at once?

You are able to run 2 groups at once as long as your imported plays are in two different practice groups.

With GoRout, you are able to run two practice groups at once. A common scenario for this would be if you have Scout Offense and Scout Defense going at the same time. 

To do this, you will first have to set up your practice in the desktop in a way that allows you to run two groups at once. While in the desktop, you have 4 different "Practice Groups" that you can build a practice out in. If you are looking to run two groups at once, you will need to import your plays into two different practice groups. For example, you will upload your scout offense plays into the "Scout Offense" practice group and your scout defense plays into the "Scout Defense" practice group. 

After you get your practice set up on the desktop and have the devices out on the field, follow these steps to get the devices set up.

  1. Power all the player devices on once you are outside on the field.
  2. Once on, player devices will prompt you to select a practice group once a practice is active
  3. Select one practice group with the first group you want.
  4. Now, take the other devices and select the other practice group on those devices.
  5. After you get the player devices set up, you will need two coaches logged into the app sending plays.

Coach Instructions

  1. Log into the GoRout mobile app as a coach and activate the practice
  2. Two coaches on staff should log into the GoRout mobile app to send plays. Coaches can use any iPhone or Android with the GoRout app to send plays.
  3. Once both coaches are logged in, switch over to the "practice" tab which can be found at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Once you are in the practice tab, it will have you select which practice group you are sending plays too. Each coach can select the correct practice group that they are sending plays too.

After that is set-up, you can now run two groups at once with out any crossover between the devices.